
GoSocial landing page

The GoSocial landing page showcases an enticing design that captures the essence of GoSocial Development. Utilizing vibrant yellow as its brand color, the page instantly grabs the attention of visitors, creating a sense of energy and excitement from the moment they arrive.

Large typography

Large text is used to title each section, with "100%" appearing multiple times to create a rhythm throughout the page.

Vibrant brand color

Bright yellow and black are combined to create a strong contrast. All buttons and links either use the brand color or appear in black on the bright yellow background.

Hero Section

A large edge to edge logo introduces team members working on a project.

Wave separate sections and creates a sense of depth with a slight shadow.

Images contrasting on the yellow brand color.

Vibrant yellow call to action with small view icon to help draw attention.

Extra large contact information to divide the footer into two sections.

At the bottom of the footer we have additional information paired with a nice lifestyle image of one of their developers.

Subtle wave pattern to tie it together with each previous section.

“100%” used as a repeated element for each section.

Repeated drives in the message that GoSocial is 100% for all things development.

The full landing page

The full landing page